Who cares about brands? What we care about is having the world´s best eyewear.
Our aim is not to merely satisfiy you – we want to see you inspired beyond measure. This is the reason why we scour the globe not only for leading brands, but for collections that meet our sense of design, value craftsmanship and live uncompromising love for quality.
We are personal. We are dedicated. We are destinctive. For what? Presenting the world ́s best eyewear to you. We look forward to seeing you.
Yours, Christian Leidmann
Jacques Marie Mage

Dealan | Mykonos
Dealan | Mykonos
14 colors available
Dealan | Epoxy | Gris
Dealan | Epoxy | Gris
14 colors available
Dealan | Epoxy | Sacramento
Dealan | Epoxy | Sacramento
14 colors available
Reynold | Electrum
Reynold | Electrum
3 colors available